The Ice Dam Cometh – Ice Dams and the Law in Massachusetts

By Robert Nislick It seems that no one has been spared as this historic winter continues to wreak havoc on Massachusetts homeowners, business owners, landlords, tenants, condominium trustees, condominium unit owners, and property managers. Roofs are collapsing under the heavy weight of snow and ice. Problems with insulation and ventilation in our buildings are causingContinue reading The Ice Dam Cometh – Ice Dams and the Law in Massachusetts

Assessing and Pressing Your Property Damage Claim

By Robert Nislick You are a homeowner or a unit owner in a condominium. Life is great.  Until . . . your home suffers property damage from water infiltration. You have done nothing wrong, but through the negligence of someone else, your stuff is ruined. You are out real money and you are mad. Let’sContinue reading Assessing and Pressing Your Property Damage Claim